mindless drivel
Friday, January 21, 2005
  close your eyes at bush
I was thinking about the "Turn Your Back on Bush" thing that I heard about, where people were going to turn around at Bush's inauguration to show people that they didn't like him or something. By the way, did this happen? Did anybody care? Did Bush cry when he saw people standing backwards? Probably not, because he's the President and you're not.

The guy standing backwards just looks like a confused person who doesn't seem to know where the action is. And to make matters worse for him, he has to look right at the people who are facing the right way. And the people who are facing the right way probably don't even know about the whole "Turn Your Back on Bush" thing because only Internet nerds know about these types of things, and Internet nerds don't go to Presidential inaugurations, normal people do. So instead of saying to backwards man, "You go, dude, stick it to the man, brutha! Fight the power!" the normal people are probably thinking, "What the heck is this creepy guy doing? Stop looking at me, I'm trying to enjoy the parade."

Anyway, I decided that since I am in Dallas, and the inauguration was in Washington, D.C., I would not participate in the "Turn Your Back on Bush" thing. Instead, I decided to turn my back on the TV when they showed hours upon hours of coverage of the inauguration. And by "turn" I mean "change," and by "back" I mean "the channel." Not because I hate Bush or anything. Just because it's pretty boring, really.

But being the considerate person that I am, I came up with a new way to protest for all you protestor types. You know, if that's your thing. It's called "Close Your Eyes at Bush." Instead of turning your back, you close your eyes when you see Bush. But you can't really close your eyes completely, because you wouldn't be able to see where you're going, and you'd just be fumbling along like an idiot. So you just kind of blink a lot. This one has an interesting dual-protest effect. A lot of people will come up to you and ask why you're blinking so much, if it's because you have something in your eye. Then you say, "No, it's out of protest! Because of Bush! I'm protesting, see? I'm a protestor! Woo-hoo, protest, yeah!!" And if Bush himself asks you if you have something in your eye, you'd probably be too nervous to say anything.
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