30 days post laser zapping
I really have very little to report here, but it has been 30 days since
I got my eyes zapped with lasers, so I need to give everyone an update. Gotta keep 'em coming back for more, right? My eyes have still been, shall we say, inconsistent. It's funny, there are days when my eyesight is really not all that good, especially in the right eye. I'd guess around 20/30 or 20/40. And days they are so dry it feels like I've spent a few hours in a tanning bed with my eyes open. And there are days when my eyesight is excellent, crisp. These are the days that I go to the eye doctor. I don't know how they always manage to schedule my appointments for the days when I have no problems. I think they might put something in the air at the doctor's office. Maybe the hot air balloon has something to do with it.
Night vision is still a little weird, although it is different from one day to the next, too. One day I'll swear that it's getting better and will be all gone soon. Then the next night I'll go out for a drive and it will be like I'm driving through crazy hazy starburst carnival land. Weird. But the days that are good make me confident that my eyes/brain really do have the capability to see pretty well with these newly vaporized corneas. And I'm sure they'll fight the good fight and eventually defeat the crazy carnival light inducing bad stuff. I'll keep waiting.