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Monday, November 14, 2005
  new blog feature
Good news, I've come up with a fun new way to annoy you! You know when you have a song in your head and you can't get rid of it? Well, starting right now I've decided to share the annoying song so it can be stuck in your head, too! Don't worry, RIAA, I'll be sharing the name of the song, not an evil mp3. I'd like to note that just because a song appears on my "Annoying Song Stuck In My Head" list doesn't necessarily mean I don't like the song. In fact, some of my favorite songs get stuck in my head. So don't assume that a song's appearance on the list means that it's a bad song per se.

Well, let's just skip the nonsense and try it out:

Annoying Song Stuck In My Head, 11/14/2005

Song: I'm A Believer

Artist: The Monkees

Annoyance Factor: 10 (extreme)

Reason Stuck In Head: Unknown

Comments: I really don't like this song. Please help me.
Comments: Post a Comment

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