an open letter...
To the guy who got out of his car and gave me a push when I wasn't getting any traction in the snow:
You totally kick butt.
You helped me at a time I couldn't help myself. I had been moving 2 miles per hour for 2 1/2 hours, already an hour and a half late to work. On a slight incline on Normandale Blvd, my tires told me to "take this job and shove it," and my progress slowed to 0 miles per hour. Engines revved, tires spun, and my car moved backwards and sideways, but not forward.
I know you saw my Texas plates and thought to yourself, "This guy does not know how to drive in the snow, plus he probably has some of those no-tread 'Texas Tires.'" (For the record, they're new tires and the guy at Discount Tire told me they would be able to handle Minnesota snow.) But you didn't care. You didn't judge me and my Texas-ness. You got out of your Jeep in the freezing cold, in the driving snow, in the frozen tundra, and you put all of your might into it. You gave me the boost I needed to get enough traction to turn my sorry butt around and forget about trying to drive up that hill.
I was so nervous and excited when I finally got moving again, and I was so afraid that I would lose my momentum and get stuck again, that I didn't have a chance to stop and thank you properly. I want you to know that not saying "thanks!" is not the Texas way, and since I will likely never see you again, this is the only way I know how to thank you.
So, selfless car-pusher, I hope you're reading this. You rule.